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Six ways to spring-clean your business

It’s no secret that taking the time to have a spring clean of the business gets put on the back burner for a while. But for 2023 we’re making it a resolution to keep on top of it all and here’s how you can do it too.

Declutter your office space

Take the time out to get rid of old papers, organise and file important documents and clear your desk. A messy office will ultimately lead to procrastination and increased stress levels, when you need to be productive and creative. So just spend 15-30 minutes taking the time out to organise your office, you’ll thank yourself in the long run.

Clean out your email inbox

Another dreaded job, organising your email inbox isn’t for the faint of heart particularly if a lot of communication in your business is via email. But unsubscribing from a mailing list that you no longer want to receive or sorting a system so that your client communication get’s automatically grouped, can make your life so much easier.

Backup your data

If you keep forgetting to back up your data, this is your reminder! You may need to download lots of files for work, so make sure you delete any old files or duplicate files you no longer need. Search online for tools to help you make the process easier. If you’re on a Mac, we recommend MacPaw’s Gemini 2.

Update your social media profiles and website

Are there any changes you need to make to your social media profiles or website? Make sure you keep them all updated with any new marketing materials you have been working on, this could be logos, any changes to your bios, links or making sure all your contact details are correct on your website and Google.

Review your systems and processes

Take a look at your process documents and see if there are any that need removing or bringing up to date. Also look at how well your systems and processes are working for you, are there any adjustments you need to make?

Run a client satisfaction survey

Send out a short survey to your current and former clients. This will give you a better idea on how well your business is running and where you could be making improvements. It also reminds your clients that you value their opinions.

If you want some help in making your business run smoothly and need someone to help with the workload, book in a free call to see how we can help.

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